We have compiled a list of helpful links and other breeding resources that are complementary to producing quality Australian Shepherds. Look below to view our current list of links and if you are interested in a link exchange please contact us.

Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

OFA is a non-profit organization that collates and disseminates information concerning orthopedic and genetic disease of animals.

Canine Eye Registration Foundation

CERF is a centralized, national registry of dogs certified free of heritable eye disease by members of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

Australian Shepherd Health & Genetic Institute

Introducing IDASH – the International Directory for Australian Shepherd Health For information about IDASH, including information on the ASHGI/IDASH.

Institute for Genetic Disease Control

The Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals (GDC) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the genetic health of dogs. GDC registers individual dogs of all breeds and the results for each dog of evaluations for many different genetic diseases.

Eastside Animal Medical Center

Eastside Animal Medical Center is dedicated to providing the highest-quality emergency medical care in the Gwinnett County area. We have proudly served the South Gwinnett community and neighboring cities for over 10 years. Our emergency center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we specialize in general examinations, ultrasound, vaccinations, radiology, surgery, dental work, anesthesia and laboratory work for animals.

Ash River Kennels

Ash River Kennels is dedicated to breeding quality Australian Shepherds with Champion and Hall of Fame ASCA/AKC Foundation Bloodlines. Although our backgrounds are rooted in AKC and ASCA, we register our Aussies with the National Stock Dog Registry (NSDR) in support of the Working Dogs we breed for.